Fakulta sociálnych
a ekonomických vied
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Marta Kahancová

Ing. Marta Kahancová, PhD.

Pracovné zaradenie: docentka

Kancelária: Mlynské luhy č. 4, 821 05 Bratislava

E-mail: marta.kahancova@fses.uniba.sk

Vzdelanie a kvalifikácia:

PhD. – odbor spoločenské vedy, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School for Social Science Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2007

M.A. – odbor politológia a politická ekonómia, Central European University Budapest, 2002

Ing. – Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, Obchodná fakulta, odbor Hospodárska diplomacia, 2001

Výskumná špecializácia:

-          Pracovnoprávne vzťahy, sociálny dialóg a kolektívne vyjednávanie

-          Trh práce, pracovné podmienky, nové formy práce

-          Politika boja s nelegálnou prácou v EÚ

-          Politika zamestnanosti a sociálna politika

-          Integrácia ľudí so znevýhodneniami (zdravotné, spoločenské apod.) na trh práce

Pedagogická činnosť v minulosti:

University of Amsterdam (International School for Social Sciences and Humanities)

Central European University (Department of Political Science, Department of Public Policy)

Publikačná činnosť (výber):

Kahancová, M. and Martišková, M. (2023) Strengthening legislation, weakening collective bargaining? Two faces of trade union strategies in Czechia and Slovakia, European Journal of Industrial Relations

Kahancová, M. and Uhlerová, M. (2023) Slovakia: From Politics to Bread-and-Butter Unionism. In Müller, T., Vandaele, K. and Waddington, J. (eds.) Trade Unions in Europe. Brussels: Peter Lang Publishing.

Drahokoupil, J., Kahancová, M. and Meszmann, T. T. (2023) Falling through the cracks: Gig economy and platform work in Central and Eastern Europe, in Ness, I. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of the Gig Economy. Routledge.

Holubová, B. and Kahancová, M. (2022) Revisiting the Concept of Precarious Work in Times of Covid-19. In Choonara, J., Murgia. A and Carno, R. M. (eds.) Faces of Precarity: Critical Perspectives on Work, Subjectivities and Struggles. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

Trif, A., Paolucci, V., Kahancová, M. and Koukiadaki, A. (2021): The impact of trade union actions on precarious work in Central and Eastern Europe: beyond institutional and structural resources, Human Relations, first published online May 15, 2021

Martišková, M., Kahancová, M. and Kostolný, J. (2021) With Minimum Wages and Collective Bargaining towards Wage (In)Equality: Evidence from Czechia and Slovakia. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp: 75-96.

Kahancová, M., and Kirov, V. (2021) Shaping minimum wages in Central and Eastern Europe: Giving up collective bargaining in favour of legal regulation? In Dingeldey, I., Grimshaw, D. and Schulten, T. (eds.) Minimum Wage Regimes: Statutory Regulation, Collective Bargaining and Adequate Levels. Routledge

Scarpati Costa, E., and Kahancová, M. (2021) Minimum wages and inequality mitigation in post- dictatorship industrial relations systems in Latin America: The case of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. In Dingeldey, I., Grimshaw, D. and Schulten, T. (eds.) Minimum Wage Regimes: Statutory Regulation, Collective Bargaining and Adequate Levels. Routledge.

Holubová, B., Kahancová, M., Sedláková, M. and Šumichrast, A. (2021) Return to work practice in Slovakia: matching best practice with the scope of social partner activity. In Akguc, M. (ed.) Continuing at Work: Long-term illness, return to work schemes and the role of industrial relations. Brussels: ETUI.

Kahancová, M., Meszmann, T. T. and Sedláková, M. (2020) Precarization via Digitalization? Work Arrangements in the On-Demand Platform Economy in Hungary and Slovakia, Frontiers in Sociology,

Kahancová, M., and Sedláková, M. (2020) Erosion of bargaining in the world of vital actors: industrial relations in the aftermath of public sector reforms in Slovakia. In Keune, M., Ramos Martin, N. and Mailand, M. (eds.). Working under pressure: Employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe’s public sector since the crisis. Brussels: ETUI.

Drahokoupil, J. and Kahancová, M. (2019) Worker Participation in Czechia and Slovakia, in Berger, S., Pries, L. and Wannöffel, M. (eds.) Companion to Workers’ Participation at Plant Level: A Global and Comparative Perspective. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Handbooks

Kahancová, M., Martišková, M. and Sedláková, M. (2019) Slovakia: Collective bargaining between coordination and fragmentation, in: Müller, T., Vandaele, K. and Waddington, J. (eds.) Towards an Endgame: Collective Bargaining in Europe. Brussels: ETUI.

Kahancová M. and Sedláková M. (2018) Slovak Trade Unions at Crossroads: From Bargaining to the Public Arena, in Traub-Merz, R. (ed.) Trade Unions in Transition: From Command to Market Economies. Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

Kaminska, M. E. and Kahancová, M. (2017) State, Market, and Collective Regulation in the Hospital Sector in East-Central Europe: Union Strategies against all Odds. Comparative Labour Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2.

Bernaciak, M. and Kahancová, M. (eds) (2017) Beyond the crisis: Strategic innovation within CEE trade union movements. Brussels: European Trade Union Institute

Kahancová, M. and Martišková, M. (2016) Economic Crisis and Public Sector Employment Relations: The Advantage of Delayed Reforms in Czechia and Slovakia, in Bach, S. and Bordogna. L. (eds.) Public sector employment relations in Europe: Emerging from the Crisis? Routledge

Kahancová, M. and Szabó, I. G. (2015) Hospital bargaining in the wake of management reforms: Hungary and Slovakia compared. European Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 335-352.

Kahancová, M. (2015) Central and Eastern European trade unions after the EU enlargement: successes and failures for capacity building. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 343-358.

Kahancová, M. (2013) The demise of social partnership or a balanced recovery? The crisis and collective bargaining in Slovakia. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 171-183.

Kaminska, M. E. and Kahancová, M. (2011) Emigration and labour shortages: an opportunity for trade unions in new member states? European Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 189-203.

Kahancová, M. (2010) Economic interests, company values and local institutions: shaping soft work practices in a multinational’s subsidiaries in Western and Central Eastern Europe. Industrielle Beziehungen, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 170-191.

Kahancová, M. (2007) One company, four factories: coordinating employment flexibility practices with local trade unions. European Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 65-86.

Kahancová, M. and Meer, M. van der (2006) Coordination, employment flexibility, and industrial relations in Western European Multinationals: evidence from Poland. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 1379-1395.

Kahancová, M. (2010) One Company, Diverse Workplaces: The Social Construction of Employment Practices in Western and Eastern Europe. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan.


Vedecko-výskumná činnosť (výber z projektovej činnosti):

2022                     Public procurement and collective bargaining: the case of Poland and Slovakia (European Trade Union Institute and UNI Europa), spoluriešiteľka

2022 – 2026    TransEuroWorkS: Transforming European Work and Social Protection, a Horizon Europe Project (Leiden University, the Netherlands), spoluriešiteľka

2022 – 2024     Social Dialogue in Defence of Vulnerable Groups in Post-Covid-19 Labour Markets (DEFEN-CE), EC Grant VS/2021/0196 (University of Helsinki, Finland), spoluriešiteľka

2022                     Thematic review on skills shortages in the EU (European Commission), spoluriešiteľka

2012                  Thematic review on Platform work (European Commission), spoluriešiteľka

2021 – 2022    Tackling undeclared work in personal and household services (European Labour Authority), spoluriešiteľka

2020 – 2022     Business and Welfare: Preferences and collective action in Europe (BAWEU), EC Grant VS/2020/0141 (University of Milano), spoluriešiteľka

2020 – 2022     Social dialogue in welfare services. Employment relations, labour market and social actors in the care services (SOWELL), EC Grant VS/2020/0242 (University of Milano), spoluriešiteľka

2019 – 2020     Chcem pracovať, kto mi pomôže? Posilnenie spolupráce medzi tvorcami politík a neziskovým sektorom pri integrácii osôb so zdravotným znevýhodnením na trh práce, EEA/Norway Grant T2-2019-008, koordinátorka a spoluriešiteľka projektu

2019 – 2021     Negotiating return to work in the age of demographic change through industrial relations (REWIR), EC Grant VS/2019/0075 (Centre for European Policy Studies), spoluriešiteľka

2019                     Mapping trade unions and professional associations in six Eastern Partnership countries (European Commission), koordinátorka a spoluriešiteľka

2019 – 2020     Capacity building for social dialogue in the hospital sector in 14 countries (EPSU and HOSPEEM), spoluriešiteľka

2018 – 2019     EESDA: Enhancing the Effectiveness of Social Dialogue Articulation, EC Grant VS/2017/0434 (Centre for Policy Studies), spoluriešiteľka a koordinátorka

2018 – 2020     PHS-Quality: Job Quality and Industrial Relations in Personal and Household Services, EC Grant VS/2017/0046 (University of Amsterdam), spoluriešiteľka

2016 – 2018     BARCOM: With innovative tools for bargaining support in the commerce sector, EC Grant VP/2015/004/0012 (University of Amsterdam),

2016 – 2018    BARSOP: Bargaining and social dialogue in the public sector, EC Grant VS/2016/107 (University of Amsterdam), spoluriešiteľka

2017 – 2018    IRSDACE: Industrial relations and social dialogue in the age of collaborative economy, EC Grant VS/2016/0064 (Centre for Policy Studies), spoluriešiteľka

2015 – 2016  Social Dialogue in Social Services (CEEP and Imanovation), spoluriešiteľka

2015 – 2017    Beyond the crisis: strategic innovation within CEE trade union movements (ETUI), editorka a spoluriešiteľka

2015 – 2017       CANWON – Cancer and work network (European Cooperation of Science and Technology, COST), spoluriešiteľka

2014 – 2016    PRECARIR: The rise of the dual labour market: fighting precarious employment in the new member states through industrial relations, EC Grant VP/2014/0534 (Dublin City University), koordinatórka výskumu a spoluriešiteľka

2014 – 2016    NEWIN: Negotiating wage (in)equality, EC Grant VS/2014/0538 (ADAPT), spoluriešiteľka

Ostatné odborné aktivity v minulosti a súčasnosti:

2008 –                zakladateľka a výkonná riaditeľka Stredoeurópskeho inštitútu pre výskum práce (Central European Labour Studies Institute, CELSI, www.celsi.sk)

2022 -                WageIndicator Foundation, Holandsko, riaditeľka pre výskum (www.wageindicator.org)

2022 -               Členka riadiaceho výboru pre analytické jednotky, Ministerstvo financií SR

2020 -              Expertka a členka koordinačného tímu European Centre of Expertise v oblasti politiky zamestnanosti pre Európsku komisiu DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

2020 -              Expertka a členka výskumného tímu pre Európsku platformu boja s nelegálnou prácou, Európska agentúra práce (European Labour Authority, https://www.ela.europa.eu/en/undeclared-work)

2021 -               Členka výboru editorov medzinárodného recenzovaného žurnálu Transfer – European Review of Labour and Research (https://journals.sagepub.com/home/trs)

2019 – 2022   Hosťujúca spolueditorka v medzinárodných akademických žurnáloch – Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society (https://irle.berkeley.edu/industrial-relations/) , European Journal of Industrial Relations (https://journals.sagepub.com/home/ejd)

2019 – 2020   Hosťujúca výskumníčka v European Trade Union Institute (www.etui.org), Brussel, Belgicko

2006 – 2008   Postdoc výskumníčka, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (www.mpifg.de), Kolín nad Rýnom, Nemecko

2009 – 2010 a 2015 -    hosťujúca odborná asistentka na Stredoeurópskej univerzite v Budapešti, Katedra politológie (2009 – 2010) a katedra verejnej politiky (2015), Budapešť, Maďarsko (www.ceu.edu)