Fakulta sociálnych
a ekonomických vied
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave


Pan-ideologies and far-right ideologies in Central Europe

Turanism and Pan-Slavism have re-emerged alongside far-right ideologies in Hungary and Slovakia, respectively. As these pan-ideologies advocate racism and self-orientalism, a comparative and historical study will reveal why they are rooted in obsolete pseudo-scientific theories shared by right-wing populists. Funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, the PANIC project will combine social anthropology and history to understand how modern adaptations of pan-ideologies differ from the original versions of the first half of the 20th century and how these transformations correspond to the goals and resources of the ideologues. The project will innovate by suggesting viewing right-wing ideologies as phenomena embedded in the colonial and postcolonial history of the region.

Szafonova, Tatyjana, Balázs Trencsényi, Juraj Buzalka, Péter Apor, Klaus Neumann, and Gábor Egry. n.d. “Revisionisms Revised. Does the Radical Right Appropriate or Disrupt Historical Narratives through Revisionism?.” Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1080/<wbr style="color:#96607D" />25739638.2024.2317603

Castles within the Post-Peasant Cultural Landscape of Slovakia: Social Embeddedness of Local Initiatives for Renovation and Utilization

Project number: SASPRO 3348/03/03
Project duration: 9/2022 - 8/2025

Present project aims to investigate the fragmented but interrelated local initiatives for renovating and utilizing castles in rural Slovakia. Since a vast number of castles had been suffering from devastation during the 20th century, the fall of Communism left Slovakia littered with castle ruins. The afterward democratization, decentralization and marketization opened room for a great variety of contemporary local initiatives of renovation and castle utilization, colouring ‘heritage arenas’ of local cultural landscape with reinvented narratives. This research project intends to scrutinize these castle maintenance projects, analysing primarily their embeddedness into local cultural landscape. The primary hypothesis of the research is that castles have had a significantly deeper-rooted embeddedness in post-peasant Slovak countryside than it could be judged purely from official nation-building narratives which speak about Slovak nation from the perspective of (re)constructed and purified peasant traditions. Precisely what (latent or manifest) values are attached to these heritage sites, and how these values are represented as well as reinvented in castle utilization projects, it would be revealed during the research project. During this research work, the particular role of local players – i.e. castle owners, managers, civil activists, etc – in castle utilization projects is also to be scrutinized. The work can be categorized most precisely as piece of social anthropology, conducted with a mixed methodological apparatus of comparative fieldwork: a) collecting local materials (accessible official documents, local news materials, etc), b) conducting semi-structured interviews with local stakeholders, c) and small-scale surveys in some cases among local civilians. As a result of the project, academic articles and a monograph is also planned to be issued.

Kríza - ohrozenie aj výzva: stratégie zvládania pandemickej situácie v rodine aj na školách

Projekt financovaný Ministerstvom školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky v rámci Plánu obnovy a odolnosti pod číslom 022UK-2-1/2021

Trvanie: 1. 1. 2022 – 30. 6. 2023

Stručné zhrnutie:

Projekt „Kríza – ohrozenie aj výzva“ sa zameriava na zmeny vo vzdelávacom procese spojené na jednej strane s pandémiou Covid-19 a súvisiacimi pandemickými opatreniami, na druhej strane s plánovanou reformou obsahov a foriem vzdelávania (s kurikulárnou reformou). Projekt tak súvisí s Komponentom 6 a Komponentom 7 Plánu obnovy a odolnosti.
Prínosom projektu je použitie metód hĺbkového mapovania dopadov pandémie na kľúčových aktérov vo sfére vzdelávania (ZŠ a SŠ vrátane špeciálnych škôl), a to zároveň v majoritnom aj marginalizovanom prostredí. Sústredíme sa na učiteľov a školský manažment, na deti od staršieho školského veku po adolescentov, ako aj na ich rodičov. To umožní porovnať naše výsledky so štúdiami zo sveta.
Výskum kombinuje reprezentatívny kvantitatívny a hĺbkový kvalitatívny výskum. Dokážeme tak urobiť prierez a porovnanie výstupov, zmapovať spoločné a odlišné mechanizmy zvládania pandemickej situácie a identifikovať príklady pozitívnych i negatívnych stratégii u všetkých zahrnutých skupín. Zároveň sa tak dokážeme pozrieť na postoje ku zmenám obsahov a foriem vyučovania, či už v rámci úprav vynútených pandemickou situáciou, alebo plánovaných v rámci kurikulárnej reformy. Projekt prináša detailné poznatky o problémoch, ktorým tri uvedené skupiny čelili, ako aj o prípadoch úspešného zvládania pandemickej situácie; to všetko nie atomizovane, ale vo vzájomných súvislostiach.

Riešiteľský kolektív projektu:

Hlavný riešiteľ:

Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Fakulta sociálnych a ekonomických vied, Ústav sociálnej antropológie

Mgr. Andrej Mentel, PhD. (zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu)
Mgr. Danijela Jerotijević, PhD.
Mgr. et Mgr. Radek Vorlíček, Ph.D.

Partnerské riešiteľské organizácie:

Prešovská univerzita v Prešove

Mgr. Alexander Mušinka, PhD. (zodpovedný riešiteľ za UNIPO)
PhDr. Marek Lukáč, PhD.
Mgr. Silvia Lukáčová, PhD.

Ústav etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v. v. i.

Mgr. Tatiana Zachar Podolinská, PhD. (zodpovedná riešiteľka za ÚESA SAV, v. v. i.)
Mgr. Soňa G. Lutherová, PhD.
Mgr. Ľubica Voľanská, PhD.
Mgr. Miroslava Kinczer
Mgr. Edita Rigová, MPA
Mgr. Natália Slivková

Centrum antropologických výskumov

Mgr. Lucia Segľová, PhD. (zodpovedná riešiteľka za CAV)

Správy z jednotlivých častí výskumu:

The Post-socialist Societies and Culture under Green Deal (POSTGREEN)

  • Jean Monet Chair 2022 – 2025 Juraj Buzalka

The objective of the project The Post-socialist Societies and Cultures under Green Deal (POSTGREEN) is to investigate, teach, and disseminate knowledge on the opportunities for the Green Deal to offer new ways for social and economic inclusion and innovation, especially in the post-socialist countries of the European Union ‘from bellow’, i. e. from the perspective of societies and cultures that are subjects of the green deal transformation. In order to make the upcoming European Green Deal successful, obstacles and stimulators of possible green transformation need to be identified, taking into account the legacies of state socialist modernisation and post-socialist transformation. The three year project intends to help students in understanding the way people in post-socialist European Union themselves imagine, practice and understand an environmentally conscious and technologically novel way of life and whether they endorse or reject the ideologies of progressive transformation. This bottom-up perspective needs to go along with and complement the top-down implementation and monitoring of future Green Deal policies. There is a threefold need about investigating, teaching, and disseminating knowledge on European Green Deal from bellow. The first is the legacy of transformations for and in the adoption of progressive policies. The second is the potential for alternative regional innovations under the (in)security of the upcoming Green Deal transformation. And the third issue arises out of “European society” and its demos, its eventual deepening and/or fragmentation.   

The project is implemented by Institute of Social Anthropology of FSES CU in collaboration with Institute of European Studies and International Relations of FSES CU.

Research on Transgenerational Holocaust-memory in Central Europe


  • doc. Mgr. Juraj Buzalka, M.A., PhD.
  • Katarína Očková, MSc., PhD., AFHEA

Nearly eighty years have passed since the tragedy of the Holocaust. The living, communicative memory of a generation of victims and witnesses is slowly being transformed into patterns of cultural memory. Meanwhile, in Central Europe, there has been no collective confrontation in recent decades, no public and comprehensive open social discourse on the memory of the tragedy. The problems of forgetting and silence range from the persistence of antisemitism, hatred of ethnic, cultural, and sexual minorities, political hatred of refugees, to Holocaust denial, and are still present in Central European societies today. In the three decades since the political regime changes, more detailed Holocaust education has been introduced into school history curricula, and commemorative monuments, museums, archives, books, and films have been created to help remember the Holocaust. However, the question arises as to how all this contributes to the perpetuation of Holocaust remembrance. What meanings does Holocaust remembrance have today among different generations? There has been a lot of excellent historical and quantitative sociological research on this so far. However, this research fails to explore and analyse the local and personal empirical depths of the patterns of memory that are constructed and reconstructed in personal narratives. Thus, the aim of our research is to process and interpret recent meanings of Holocaust memory using qualitative social science methods in Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland.

Research Teams:

  • Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences
  • Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Social Sciences
  • AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Humanities
  • Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Humanities

Conspirituality: the blending of supernatural and conspiratorial explanations

Mgr. Danijela Jerotijević, PhD.
Mgr. Andrej Mentel, PhD.

The project aims to examine how or through what mechanisms conspiracy and supernatural ideas and world-views get interwoven. Topics of alternative spirituality and conspiracy theories are usually examined separately in the social sciences. The project will examine how supernatural and conspiratory beliefs can complement each other in creating a personal and group world-view or philosophy of life.
The partial goals of the project can be divided into two levels or phases: Our primary goal will be to identify factors and topics that are considered a threat in an environment of conspiritual supporters; identify the sources of information to which informants refer; and also to find out how the authority and credibility of these information sources are shaped and justified. We will also explore to whom responsibility is attributed for events and situations that are perceived as threatening.
In the second phase, we will focus on the specific narratives that those inclined to conspirituality themselves construct or take over from others to identify and explain the anticipated threats or, conversely, to prevent them. The aim is to find out how these narratives are formed under the influence of the teachings and philosophies of these conspiritual groups and how they are formed by group consensus and interaction between individual members of these groups and copying group-specific cultural schemes. In this case, we want to find out to what extent the process of creating and transmitting these narratives corresponds to the general psychological and social factors of cultural transmission and to what extent (and if at all) the combination of supernatural and conspiratorial explanations brings about certain specifics.

The project is supported by VEGA grant 1/0724/23 and is implemented in cooperation with the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the role of co-principal investigator.

Ďalšie projekty a granty od r. 2015

2021 – 2025: APVV-20-0126 „Slovná zásoba ako ukazovateľ vývinovej jazykovej úrovne monolingválnych a bilingválnych detí v predškolskom veku“. Hlavným riešiteľským pracoviskom je Katedra logopédie Pedagogickej fakulty UK v Bratislave, za Ústav sociálnej antropológie FSEV UK sa na ňom podieľa Andrej Mentel. Viac informácií na stránke https://labdetskarec.fedu.uniba.sk/

2021 – 2023: 022UK-2-1/2021 „Kríza – ohrozenie aj výzva“. Projekt aplikovaného výskumu financovaný Ministerstvom školstva, školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky, ktorý je zameraný na zmeny vo vzdelávacom procese a na kurikulárnu reformu. 

2020-2021: PP-COVID-20-0074: „Verejná dôvera, reziliencia a vnímaná hrozba COVID-19“. Viac informácií na stránke https://fses.uniba.sk/veda/vedecke-projekty-a-granty/apvv-projekt-verejna-dovera-reziliencia-a-vnimana-hrozba-covid-19-pp-covid-20-0074/

2019 - 2022: VEGA 2/0102/19 „Kolektívne rituály ako nástroj sociálnej regulácie“. Hlavným riešiteľským pracoviskom je Ústav etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV v Bratislave, za Ústav sociálnej antropológie FSEV UK sa na ňom podieľala Mgr. Danijela Jerotijević, PhD.. Viac informácií na stránke https://uesa.sav.sk/projekty/kolektivne-ritualy-ako-nastroj-socialnej-regulacie/

2018 - 2021: John Templeton Foundation, Grant ID: 60813: „The Geography of Philosophy: An Interdisciplinary Cross-Cultural Exploration of Universality and Diversity in Fundamental Philosophical Concepts“. Vedúci riešitelia: Edouard Machery a Stephen Stich, University of Pittsburgh. Tím z Ústavu sociálnej antropológie FSEV UK zabezpečoval vykonanie štúdií v strednej a východnej Európe. Web na stránkach Nadácie Johna Templetona: https://www.templeton.org/grant/the-geography-of-philosophy-an-interdisciplinary-cross-cultural-exploration-of-universality-and-diversity-in-fundamental-philosophical-concepts   

2017 - 2021: APVV-16-0567 „Identita.SK – Spoločná platforma dizajnu, architektúry a sociálnych vied“. Spoločný grant s Fakultou architektúry STU v Bratislave. Za Ústav sociálnej antropológie FSEV UK sa na ňom podieľala Doc. PhDr. Juraj Podoba, PhD. Viac informácií na stránke https://www.projektidentita.sk/

2017 - 2019: VEGA 1/0421/17 „Symbolické reprezentácie nebezpečenstva“. Spoločný grant s Katedrou etnológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Za Ústav sociálnej antropológie FSEV UK sa na ňom podieľala Mgr. Danijela Jerotijević, PhD..

2015 - 2019: APVV-14-0431: „Antropológia vylúčenia a integrácie (ANEXINT)“. Viac informácií na stránke http://www.anexint.sk

WOGYMARKET - Workers, Gypsies, and the Market: The Anthropology of New Fascism in Eastern Europe


Marie Curie Actions - People
Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF)

Juraj Buzalka
trvanie: 1.11.2014 - 31.10.2016

This research focuses on how market transformation gives rise to new patterns of

politics that among some social groups in Eastern Europe emerge as new fascism. By focusing on two social groups that have encountered the most significant transformation in effect of the economy re-structuring after state-socialism and whose positions caused the major challenges for academics and policy makers -- heavy industry workers and Roma/Gypsies -- the project aims to offer new perspective on the anthropology of social and political movements in Europe. Building upon years-long fieldwork in Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine, the project investigates how individualism and market calculation in what I call post-peasant setting after state-socialism have paved the way for populist movement that have increasingly taken anti-Roma attitudes among social groups that have not previously shown sensitivity to ethnic conflict or neo-fascist protests. The anthropology of new fascism therefore analyses the social and political movement from the ordinary perspective of everyday eceonomic models, balancing the dominant view on macro-structural or identity-centred 'culturalist' approaches. Theoretically, the project combines the recent dialogue of anthropology and economy with literature on transformations of polities, particularly in post-socialist setting. The project intends to argue that the current rise of populism and neo-fascism in Eastern Europe can only partially be explained as being the effect of neoliberal globalization. It is argued, instead, that the perspective on the everyday distribution of power in post-peasant society and how it has been reproduced via uneven development alongside with the changes in livelihood strategies under the market proliferation into the spheres previously dominated by community reciprocity shall be investigated in order to develop a new theory in the field of anthropology of social and political movements in/of Europe.

Výber zo starších projektov a grantov

The AHRC Culture and the Mind Project (podporený od United Kingdom Arts and Humanities Research Council), 2006 - 2001 (http://www.philosophy.dep.shef.ac.uk/culture&mind/)

01 Názov projektu/Project title

Kultúra a myseľ / Culture and the Wind

02 Anotácia/Project abstract

Projekt spája najlepších vedcov z celého radu disciplín – vrátane antropológie, kognitívnej psychológie, ekonómie, histórie, neurovedy a filozofie – s cieľom preskúmať dôsledky vplyvu kultúry na myseľ a kognitívne a evolučné základy kultúry v mnohých a rôznorodých kultúrach.

The project will bring together top scholars in a broad range of disciplines – including anthropology, cognitive psychology, economics, history, neuroscience, and philosophy – to  investigate the consequences of the impact of culture on the mind and the cognitive and evolutionary foundations of culture in various and diverse cultural settings.

03 Poskytovateľ/Grant agency

Výskumná rada pre umenia a humanitné vedy Veľkej Británie

The United Kingdom Arts and Humanities Research Council

04 Príjemca/Beneficiary

Univerzita Sheffield

05 Spolupríjemnca/-ovia (postupne uveďte všetky organizácie, ktoré sa podieľajú na riešení daného projektu)/Cooperating organization/-s

London School of Economics, Veľká Británia

University of Oxford, Veľká Británia

Brunel University, Veľká Británia

Institut Jean Nicod, Francúzsko

Maďarská akadémia vied, Maďarsko

Univerzita Komenského, Slovensko

University of California, Los Angeles, USA

University of Davis, USA

Rutgers University, USA

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Kanada

06 Doba riešenia projektu/Project period

Grant VEGA c. 1/4700/07: Sociálne konanie, normy a reprezentácie, 2006 – 2009

01 Názov projektu/Project title

Sociálne konanie, normy a reprezentácie / Social Action, Norms and Representations

02 Anotácia/Project abstract

Cieľom výskumného projektu je preskúmať základné súčasné koncepcie sociálneho konania, noriem a sociálnych reprezentácií z hľadiska filozofie, psychológie a antropológie, vyvodiť konkrétne testovateľné hypotézy a overiť ich pomocou interdisciplinárneho prístupu rôznych disciplín s rôznorodými výskumnými objektami.

The aim of the projects is to investigate key contemporary notions of social action, norms and representations from the point of view of philosophy, psychology, and anthropology, to draw particular hypotheses and test them by mean of interdisciplinary approach of various disciplines with diverse research objects.

03 Poskytovateľ/Grant agency

VEGA – Grantová agentúra MŠ SR

04 Príjemca/Beneficiary

Univerzita Komenského, Fakulta sociálnych a ekonomických vied

06 Doba riešenia projektu/Project period

2006 - 2009

07 Zodpovedný riešiteľ/Principal investigator

prof. PhDr. Emil Višňovský, PhD.

08 Riešitelia z FSEV

Doc. Martin Kanovský, PhD.

PhDr. Andrej Findor

Mgr. Miroslav Sirota