Juraj Buzalka
Research interests: anthropology of political movements; nationalism, populism, politics and religion; social transformations in Eastern Central Europe; politics of memory; wine and food movements.
Since 2013 – Associate Professor of Social Anthropology, Comenius University, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Institute of Social Anthropology, Bratislava, Slovakia.
September 2006 – December 2012: lecturer, Comenius University, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Institute of Social Anthropology.
Selected bibliography/vybrané publikácie
2018 – ‘Post-Peasant Memories: Populist or Communist Nostalgia’ In East European Politics, Societies and Cultures.
2015 – ‘The Political Lives of Dead Populists in Post-socialist Slovakia’ in Michal Kopeček and Piotr Wciślik, eds, Liberal Democracy, Authoritarian Pasts and the Legacy of 1989. The Last Two Decades of Political Thought in East Central Europe, CEU Press, 313-331.
2013 – ‘Tasting Wine in Slovakia: Post-socialist Elite Consumption of Cultural Particularities’, in Wine and Culture: Vineyard to Glass. Rachel E. Black and Robert C. Ulin (eds), Bloomsbury Publishing, pp 89-108.
2007. Nation and Religion: The Politics of Commemoration in South-east Poland. Műnster: Lit (vol. 14, Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia).
Visiting fellow/hosťujúci výskumník
CEU Institute for Advanced Studies, Budapest, Hungary, Senior Core Fellow
Marie Curie Fellow, SUNY Binghamton, Department of Anthropology
University of Helsinki, Finland, Aleksanteri Institute Visiting Fellow
Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, Austria, Andrew W. Mellon Visiting Fellow.
Research projects - selection/výskumné projekty - výber
ANEXINT – Antropológia vylúčenia a integrácie: Slovensko v kontexte európskych ransformácií (The Anthropology of Exclusion and Integration: Slovakia in the Context of European Transformations), Agentúra na podporu výskumu a vývoja (Slovak Research and Development Agency - APVV-14-0431, hlavný riešiteľ/principal investigator.
WOGYMARKET – Workers, Gypsies, and the Market: The Anthropology of New Fascism in Eastern Europe; European Commission FP7-PEOPLE-2013 IOF contract No. 626128, Marie Curie Fellow.
MEDEA – Models and their Effects on Development paths: an Ethnographic and comparative Approach to knowledge transmission and livelihood strategies; collaborative project no. 225670 of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Program; researcher.