Matúš Sloboda
Mgr. Matúš Sloboda, PhD.
Matúš Sloboda graduated with PhD. at European Studies and Public Policy Department, Comenius University in 2017. He teaches at the Institute of Public Policy and the Institute of European Studies FSES UK the following courses: Quantitative research methods, Social Science Research Methods, Public Policy, Evaluation of Public Policy, Local and Regional Politics, Technics of academic writing. Currently he leads the research and the conducting of specific behavioural experiments within the project APVV – Behavioural interventions in local government, 2018-2022. He also collaborated on several projects included e.g., the research in the field of gender perspectives in political science in Slovakia (VEGA: 1/0742/19), research on the regulatory process during the Covid-19 pandemic (APVV: 2019-2021), the project on the professionalization of state administration (VEGA: 2019 – 2021, 1/0628/19) and other. He also provided research and expert advice in the project ÚVP, Seesame and ENVI-Pack (2021), which was focused on behavioural interventions in the environmental field and within the project Delivering Good Governance in Slovakia (2019-2021) on two complex work tasks: a.) Analysis of education needs in local government and b.) National strategy on education in local government. Further he cooperates within the framework of the e-participation work package in the development of legislation in the Horizon 2020 TROPICO project, led by the Technical University of Tallinn (2019-2022), and with researchers from Cardiff Business School, Radboud University, Zeppelin University, University of the Arctic, on research on corporatisation in local government (2021-2022). Since 2021 he is a member of the Commission for Public Administration Reform at the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, and provides the expert consultations for Cultural Development in Bratislava Self-Governing Region for the years 2021 – 2027 with a view to 2030.