Faculty of Social
and Economic Sciences
Comenius University Bratislava



Study program bachelor level
(internal form)
master level
(internal forma)
doctoral level (internal and external form) study program in English language
- subject to tuition fees
EUROPEAN STUDIES yes yes   yes - Mgr.
MEDIAMATICS - workplace in Martine yes yes    
HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY     yes yes - PhD.
SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY yes yes yes yes - PhD.

Admissions procedure dates

1. deadline for application for studies
In Round 1, the application deadline is 31.3.2025 for all first and second degree programmes and 30.4.2025 for all doctoral degree programmes.
In Round 2 (if it opens), the application deadline is 15.8.2025 for all study programmes at all levels of study.
For second degree study programme Mediamatics, the application deadline is 5.9.2025.

2. Deadline for submission of the mandatory annexes to the application form

In Round 1, the deadline for attachments is 5 April 2025 for all first and second degree programmes and 5 May 2025 for all doctoral programmes.
In Round 2 (if it opens), the deadline for submission of annexes is 18.8.2025 for all study programmes at all levels of study.

3. deadline for payment of the admission fee
The fee for the admission procedure is 40€.
In the 1st round, payment must be made by 31.3.2025 for all 1st and 2nd degree programmes and by 30.4.2025 for all PhD programmes.
In Round 2 (if it opens), payment must be made by 15.8.2025 for all degree programmes at all levels of study.

4. date of the entrance examination
In the Bachelor's degree programme Social and Occupational Psychology in the Slovak language, the faculty accepts the first 6 dates of the SCIO National Comparative Examinations:


More info here here.

5. date of the meeting of the Dean's Admissions Committee
End of May/beginning of June 2025.

6. deadline for publication of information to applicants on the result of the admission procedure
End of May/beginning of June 2025.

7. deadline for enrolment
September 2025

Information on the number of applicants the faculty plans to admit to study

Bachelor's study programmePlanned number of admitted studentsAdditional information
applied economics150
European Studies130
mediamatics60department in Martin
social anthropology90
social and occupational psychology100
Social and Occupational Psychology (English study programme)40tuition fee study programme 3000€ / academic year
Master's degree programmePlanned number of admitted studentsAdditional information

applied economics

European Studies80
European Studies (English study programme)20fee-paying study programme 3000€ / academic year
social and occupational psychology60
social anthropology40
public policy50

Internal regulations

Vnútorný predpis č. 24/2023
schválený AS UK Úplné znenie VP č. 4/2021 Pravidlá prijímacieho konania na UK v znení Dodatku č. 1.

Vnútorný predpis č. 26/2024
Smernica rektora UK Úplné znenie VP č. 17/2021 Smernice rektora UK,  ktorou sa určuje výška školného a poplatkov spojených so štúdiom na UK v znení dodatkov č. 1 až 8.
Príloha č. 7 Školné a poplatky spojené so štúdiom na UK v akademickom roku 2025/2026.

Vnútorný predpis č. 12/2023
Pravidlá prijímacieho konania na Fakulte sociálnych a ekonomických vied UK pri prestupe študenta z inej vysokej školy a pri zmene študijného programu v rámci Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave

Conditions of admission

The basic condition for admission to the bachelor's programme is the completion of secondary education or a complete secondary vocational education completed by the school-leaving examination.

The basic condition for admission to the master's programme is the successful completion of a bachelor's, master's or engineering degree (graduates who have completed the first or second degree of higher education).

The basic condition for admission to doctoral studies is the successful completion of a master's degree or an engineering degree (graduates who have completed the second degree)


For more information, see Conditions of the admission procedure for 2025/2026

Further conditions for admission to study

Bachelor's degree programmes

  • Applied Economics, Mediamatics and Social Anthropology - applicants must demonstrate B1 level English language skills
  • European Studies and Social and Occupational Psychology English (fee-paying) degree programme - applicants must demonstrate B2 level English language skills
  • Social and Occupational Psychology Slovak study programme - SCIO test in general academic prerequisites and English language


Master's degree programmes 


  • Applied Economics, European Studies, Mediamatics, Social and Occupational Psychology, Social Anthropology, Public Policy - applicants must demonstrate proficiency in both written and spoken Slovak
  • European Studies in English (fee-paying study programme) - applicants must demonstrate B2 level English language skills


For more information, see Conditions of the admission procedure for 2025/2026.

Other infromation

Applicants with specific needs

In accordance with the provisions of the Internal Regulation of the Comenius University in Bratislava No. 23/2014 on the provision of a generally accessible academic environment for students with specific needs, applicants with specific needs can obtain information about their rights and obligations in the said Internal Regulation No. 23/2014.

In case of interest and need, the applicant is obliged to send the completed application form together with the Application for Studies:

  • Prílohu č. 5 k vnútornému predpisu - Smernici UK č. 23/2014: Žiadosť o zaradenie do evidencie študentov so špecifickými potrebami a súhlas s vyhodnotením špecifických potrieb.
  • Prílohu č. 6 k vnútornému predpisu - Smernici UK č. 23/2014: Žiadosť o primerané úpravy a podporné služby.
  • Disability card

The contact person for applicants and students with specific needs is Ing. Veronika Miťková, PhD.

General information

For more information on the admissions procedure, see Conditions of the admission procedure for 2025/2026

More information about the study programmes can be found here

Applicants from outside the EU are advised to apply in Round 1 of the admissions process due to visa application time delays.

Information for applicants who have previously studied abroad

Applicants for bachelor's studies must attach an officially certified copy of the graduation certificate issued by a foreign secondary school and the statement of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic - Centre for the Recognition of Documents on the Equivalence of the Graduation Certificate issued by a foreign secondary school (more info at https://www.minedu.sk/recognition-of-completed-studies-at-primary-and-secondary-schools-abroad/)

Applicants for master's and doctoral studies must enclose an officially certified copy of the diploma, certificate of state examination and supplement to the diploma issued (or other form of transcript of results) by a foreign secondary school and a decision of a recognised university in the Slovak Republic on the equivalence of documents on education issued by a foreign school in the given degree and field of study (for more information, see https://uniba.sk/en/study/pregradualne-studium-bc-mgr-mudr-a-mddr/recognition-of-documents-on-study-abroad/)

Application for studies

The application for studies is submitted ONLY electronically on the website https://e-prihlaska.uniba.sk.

Instructions for submitting a CU e-application to BC

Instructions for submitting a CU e-application to MGR

Instructions for submitting a CU e-application to PHD

It is also possible to insert attachments into the online application form - after the application has been confirmed - e.g. a fee payment receipt or a school leaving certificate. 

It is necessary to pay the admission fee with the obligatory indication of a specific symbol according to the payment order that is generated after filling in the e-application form. The remittance order has a QR code which you just need to scan through your bank's mobile app. 


 Required attachments to the application form:

  • confirmation of payment of the admission fee (40€)
  • structured CV
  • for applicants to the bachelor's degree - a certified copy of the matriculation certificate and, where applicable, recognition of the equivalence of documents from abroad if the applicant is a foreign secondary school graduate
  • for applicants for a master's/doctoral degree - a certified copy of the educational documents (diploma, diploma supplement and state examination certificate) or, where applicable, recognition of the equivalence of the documents from abroad if the applicant is a foreign secondary school graduate
  • for applicants for a doctoral degree - a dissertation project
  • depending on the study programme, applicants must provide evidence of their knowledge according to Podmienky príjmacieho konania na FSEV UK

Processing of the agenda for the admission procedure is provided by the Study Department of FSEV.
You can also contact us at: studijne@fses.uniba.sk
The contact person for applicants and students with specific needs is Ing. Veronika Miťková, PhD. - veronika.mitkovafses.uniba.sk