Faculty of Social
and Economic Sciences
Comenius University Bratislava

Katarína Staroňová

Assoc. prof. Mgr. Katarína Staroňová, PhD.

Doc. Katarína Staroňová is Associate Professor of Public Policy and Administration at Comenius University. Her research focuses on civil service, politico-administrative relations and comparative public administration. She is co-founder of the Master of Public Policy Program at Comenius University. Previously, she was a junior scholar at Woodrow Wilson Research Center in Washington, D.C., USA and a number of applied research and consultancy work with UNDP, WB and European Commission. Katarina holds a PhD in Theory of Politics from Comenius University and Master Degree in Public Administration from New York University and Central European University.


Comenius University, Institute of Public Policy: “Policy Analysis”, “Human Resource Management in Public Sector”, “Qualitative Research Methods”, “Policy Instruments”

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow. Visiting Lecturer 2019-2022 (co-operation seized after invasion of Ukraine): “Modern Regulatory Regimes”, “Globalization and Civil Service” at Master of Science in Global Leadership

Selected Publications


Staroňová, K. a Rybář, M. (2024). Comparing ministerial advisers across politicization settings. Still hiding in the shadows? Governance, Vol. 37, pp. 201-2019. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/share/author/SIWDN7P2TJZWRHT8B6JR?target=10.1111/gove.12760

Kahancová, M. a Staroňová, K. (2024). Arms-length influence: Public sector wage setting and export-led economic growth in Czechia and Slovakia. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 30(1), 97-119. https://doi.org/10.1177/09596801231215901


Staroňová, K. a Rybář, M. (2023). “Chapter 14. Ministerial advisers in central and eastern Europe: transition belts or something else?”, In: R. Shaw (Ed.) Handbook on Ministerial and Political Advisers. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Sedlačko, M. a Staroňová, K., (2023). Putting experts in their place: Achieving policy impact as an outsider‐academic in civil service reforms in Slovakia. International Journal of Social Welfare 32 (1), 86-100.

Gajduschek, G. a Staronova, K. (2023). Politicization beyond the Merit-system Façade. The Intricate Relationship between Formal and Informal Institutions of the Senior Civil Service Systems in Central and Eastern Europe, International Journal of Public Administration, 46 (9), 647-658.

Staronova, K., Lacková, N. a Sloboda, M. (2023). Post Crisis Emergency Legislation Consolidation: Regulatory Quality Principles for Good Times Only? European Journal of Risk Regulation. Online first.


Verheijen, T., Staronova, K., Elghandour, I. and Lefebvre, A.L. (2022). Civil Servants and Globalization. Integrating MENA Countries in a Globalized Economy. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

Sloboda, M., Staroňová, K. a Poláková-Suchalová, A. (2022). “Enhancing law-making efficiency, public value or both: Case study of e-participation platform in Slovakia,” In: Lember, V. a Randma-Liiv, T. (Eds.) Engaging Citizens in Policy Making. Edward Elgar Publishings. Pp. 71-90.

Staroňová, K., Prachárová, V., Sloboda, M. a Poláková- Suchalová, A. (2022). Hodnotenie výkonu zamestnancov verejného sektora. Krajina jednotkárov? Bratislava: Komenského univerzita.

Sloboda, M., Staroňová, K. a Poláková-Suchalová, A. (2022, február). “Enhancing law-making efficiency, public value or both: Case study of e-participation platform in Slovakia,” In: Lember, V. a Randma-Liiv, T. (Eds.) Engaging Citizens in Policy Making. Edward Elgar Publishings. Pp. 71-90.

Staroňová, K., Figulová, A., Šťastná, N., Sloboda, M.,  Poláková- Suchalová, A. a Hudec, R. (2022, február). Kvalita regulačného procesu počas Pandémie Covid-19. Aplikovaná štúdia. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského.


Gajduschek, G. a Staronova, K. (2021, online first). “Politicization beyond the Merit-system Façade. The Intricate Relationship between Formal and Informal Institutions of the Senior Civil Service Systems in Central and Eastern Europe,” International Journal of Public Administration, 1-12. Dostupné tu: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01900692.2021.2009858

Hajnal, G. a Staroňová, K. (2021). “Changing patterns of individual performance appraisal systems for civil service in European Union countries: toward a developmental or an incentivizing model,” International Journal of Public Sector Management. Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 748-764.

Staroňová, K. a Rybář, M. (2021). “Personal or party roots of civil service patronage? Ministerial change effects on the appointments of top civil servants,” Administration & Society. Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 651-679.


Krajňák, S., Staroňová, K., Pickering, H. (2020). “Ministerial Advisers in Slovakia: Profiles and Career Paths 2010-2020,” The NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy. Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 115-140.

Bach, T., Meyer-Sahling, J.H., Staroňová, K. (2020). “Top officials in turbulent times: Converging research agendas in Europe east and west,” The NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy Vo.. 13, No. 2, pp. 25-34.


Staroňová, K. (2017). Performance appraisal in the EU member states and the European commission. Bratislava: Úrad vlády Slovenskej republiky.

Staroňová, K. (2016). “Regulatory impact assessment in Slovakia: performance and procedural reform,“ Impact assessment and project appraisal, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 214-227.

Staroňová, K. and Gajduschek, G. (2016). “Public administration education in CEE countries: Institutionalization of a discipline,” Policy and society. Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 351-370.

Sedlačko, M. and Staroňová, K. (2016). “An overview of discourses on knowledge in policy: Thinking knowledge, policy and conflict together,” Central European Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 10-53.

Staroňová, K., Staňová, Ľ. A Beblavá, E. (2014). Systémy štátnej služby : koncepty a trendy.  Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského.

Staroňová, K., Gajduschek, G. (2013). „Civil service reform in Slovakia and Hungary : the road to professionalisation?,”  In: Civil Servants and Politics : A Delicate Balance.  Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan,. Pp. 123-151.

Staroňová, K. Láštic, Erik. (2012). „Into the labyrinth : the rewards for high public office in Slovakia“ In: Rewards for high public office in Europe and North America.  London : Routledge, Pp. 248-268.

Zubek, R. and Staroňová, K. (2012). „Organizing for EU implementation: the Europeanization of government ministries in Estonia, Poland, and Slovenia,“ Public Administration.  Vol. 90, No. 4, pp. 937-956.

Staroňová, K. (2010). „Regulatory impact assessment: formal institutionalization and practice,“ Journal of Public Policy. Vol. 30, 01, pp. 117-136.


Administration and Society, Central European Journal of Public Policy, Critical Policy Studies, Human Affairs, Environmental Policy and Governance, European Policy Analysis, European Journal of Government and Economics, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, International Journal of Auditing, NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, Public Policy and Administration, Public Administration, Research and Politics, Sociológia, Studies in Higher Education, Teaching Public Administration

Events and executive training

  • Workshops on Quality of Regulatory Process during Pandemics Covid-19 with National Audit Office, Government Plenipotentiary for civil organizations development, Value for Money Unit at Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Justice 2022
  • Training program for auditors on “policy analysis for performance auditing”, “evaluation and research methods for auditing”, “effective report writing for auditors” National Audit Office Bratislava, Slovakia, 2019-2023

Policy and Expert Advice

Government Office, Slovakia, 2014 - present

  • Workshop for heads of personnel units in central government offices in Slovakia on “performance appraisal”
  • Design, data analysis and report writing on “Performance Appraisal in the EU member states and European Commission” within EUPAN framework under Slovak presidency
  • Conducting research and analysis on public personnel policy practice and integrating research results into government strategy, new Civil Service law and bylaws
  • Member of the working group on development of Strategy for Civil Service Management 2015-2020 and working group on Remuneration of Civil Service

European Commission, DG Reform, Ad hoc Request EUPACK, June – November 2020

  • Preparation of a Study on “Pay-for-Performance in the Civil Service of the EU”

Georgia, March 2018 – December 2021 (Public Administration International London)

  • Preparation of training program for civil service on evidence based policy making and policy analysis (together with Phil Davies UK)

Methodological Mentor, Portugal Gulbenkian Foundation April 2018 – June 2020 (International Center for Policy Advocacy)

  • Analysis and mapping report on Portuguese Policy-making  (July 2018)
  • Methodological mentor for 3 cohorts of policy fellowships in Sustainability Program

RESPA January – November 2018

  • Analysis of the Performance Appraisal in Balkan Countries (Albania, Bosna i Herzegovina,  Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia): “Individual Performance Appraisal of Employees in Central Public Administration in Western Balkans. Baseline Report.”

European Commission, Ad hoc Request EUPACK DG EMPL, June 2017

  • Assessment of the planned legal changes for the civil service in Romania (with Sorin Dan)

SIGMA OECD, Slovenia, 6-8 March, 2017

  • Short term consultant on Training of Slovenian Civil service on “Stakeholder Involvement in RIA process”

Ministry of Economy, Slovakia, 2014-2017

  • Team member for drafting of the Better Regulation Strategy for Slovakia “RIA 2020”
  • Institutional redesign of the Regulatory Impact Assessment Procedures to create new methodology on RIA (analysis of current practice and performance in Slovakia)

Latest news and media appearances

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