Faculty of Social
and Economic Sciences
Comenius University Bratislava

Olena Khylko

Dr. Olena Khylko, is a research fellow at the Institute of European Studies and International Relations.
Previously she had worked as associate Professor at the Institute of International Relations at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. She was also involved as an expert at the East European Security Research Initiative Foundation. She focuses her research interest on international relations and security in Eastern Europe, identity issues, foreign policy of Ukraine and geopolitics.


Published Articles, indexed in Web of Science 

1. Tkach, O., Batrymenko, O., Tovmash, D., Liashenko, I., Khylko, O. & Khylko, M. (2023). “The system of political education as an institute for the professionalization of politics”. Cuestiones Políticas, vol. 41(77), pp. 654-675, indexed in Web of Science (Q3), https://doi.org/10.46398/cuestpol.4177.43, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001013087600043  

2. * Shvachych, G., Pobochii, I., Sashchuk, H., Dzhus, O., Khylko, O., Busygin, V. (2022). Development of a Linear-Scaling Consensus Mechanism of the Distributed Data Ledger Technology. In: Karuppusamy, P., García Márquez, F.P., Nguyen, T.N. (eds) Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems. ICUIS 2022. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 302. Springer, Singapore, indexed in Web of Science and Scopus, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-2541-2_1, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000881492200001  

* The second article was published when Olena Khylko was working at FSES, but submitted earlier and therefore her previous work affiliation was indicated.  

3. Khylko, O. & Khylko, M. “Russian War Against Ukraine: Enhancing IR Studies With Postcolonial Lens”, Submitted to the Czech Journal of International Relations (indexed in Web of Science, Q3), submitted

4. Khylko, O. (2023). “Resilience-building in grey security zone countries”, in Scientific Collection “InterConf+”, No 34(159), 4th ISPC “Concepts for the Development of Society’s Scientific Potential” (June 19-20, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic), pp. 37–48. https://doi.org/10.51582/interconf.19-20.06.2023.004, https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/article?articleId=3636247  

5. Khylko, O. & Khylko, M. (2023). “A shift in Ukrainians’ Perception of Security Options”, in Scientific Collection “InterConf” (156): 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Challenges in Science of Nowadays” (May 26-28, 2023, Washington, USA, online), pp. 22-26, https://archive.interconf.center/index.php/conference-proceeding/article/view/3440 

Conference attendance: 

Research Presentations and activities within the study process:

1. Khylko O. presented her research findings at FSES research seminar. The topic of the presentation was “Reconsidering Ukrainian studies globally amid Russian aggression”, 20.04.2023, Bratislava. 

2. Khylko O. co-organized and held the study visit of FSES students to Vienna UN head-quarter, 05.05.2023. 

Other External Presentations: 

3. Khylko O. delivered speech at 7th bilateral forum Slovakia-Ukraine organized by the MFA of the Slovak Republic, MFA of Ukraine, SFPA and FPC “Ukrainian Prism”, 29.11.2022, Bratislava. Presentation “Ukraine’s lessons learnt from countering Russian hybrid threats”. 

4. Khylko O. delivered an open lecture to the students of the Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, the topic “The role of Central European think-tanks in political decision-making”, 12.05.2023 (online). 

5. Khylko O. delivered speech at the conference “European Asylum Policy after Ukraine” organized by the University of Liège and Université Paris Cité and Institute for Central Europe, 13.07.2023 in Bratislava. The talking points: “The perspectives of integration Ukrainian refugees in Slovakia”. 

6. Khylko O. delivered speech at the round table “Russia’s War of Aggression as “Zeiwende”? Implications for European Security” organized by Institut fur den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa and GLOBSEC, 12.08.2023, Bratislava. Topic “Transformation of the global security order: visions of Ukraine and Russia”. 

Názov projektu: Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine 

Kód projektu: 09I03-03-V01-00033
Názov investície: Investícia 3: Excelentná veda
Názov komponentu: Efektívnejšie riadenie a posilnenie financovania výskumu, vývoja a inovácií
Názov prijímateľa: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Fakulta sociálnych a ekonomických vied
Adresa prijímateľa: Mlynské luhy 4, 821 05 Bratislava
Kontaktná osoba prijímateľa: prof. JUDr. PhDr. Lucia Mokrá, PhD.
Trvanie projektu: 1.9.2022 – 31.8.2025
Výskumníčka: Olena Khylko, PhD. (R2 – postdoktorandské miesto)

Financované Európskou úniou (NextGenerationEU) na základe zmluvy č. 897/2022 o poskytnutí prostriedkov z mechanizmu na podporu obnovy a odolnosti.