European studies
General information about study program
study program: European studies
field of study: Political science
form of study: internal
standard length of study: 2 years
study language: Slovak and English
Application requirements
The candidate for the Master's degree programme has completed a 1st or 2nd university degree. In addition, he/she has a B2 level of English, with regard to the teaching of subjects also in English. The candidate should have knowledge and insight into international relations, European politics, institutional multilevel governance, the media and the workings of actors in the political system. At the same time, the candidate should demonstrate the ability to think independently and creatively, to evaluate critically and to formulate his/her own views and opinions. An essential prerequisite for the European Studies programme is the ability to collect and professionally evaluate the information obtained, analyse it and process it for further research, decision-making or application in practice. The candidate should be interested in cultivating his/her knowledge in both theoretical and practical terms in the fields of political behaviour, international relations and international organisations, the development and application of international and European norms and policies, from both a substantive, qualitative and quantitative point of view. The candidate should be motivated to pursue a professional career in domestic or foreign organisations, analytical fields in public institutions or to pursue further studies or research.
Graduate's profile
The aim of the preparation of graduates of the Master's degree programme in European Studies is to theoretically and methodologically develop their knowledge and apply theoretical and methodological approaches to the topics of European integration, contemporary developments in international relations, research on political behaviour, issues of equality, justice and inclusion. Graduates of the Master's degree programme in European Studies are oriented in a variety of theoretical approaches and concepts related to political, economic, social and legal processes within Europe and the global world. On the basis of the knowledge acquired, they are able to analyse and evaluate processes and problems in the domestic and international political arena and to carry out a comparative analysis of these processes.
The basic characteristic of a graduate of the Master's degree programme in European Studies is the ability to analyse and apply theoretical and empirical knowledge in the field of interdisciplinary research of European integration processes and his/her readiness to work in various sectors of public administration and politics, in the field of European and international institutions, as well as in the field of sectoral policies, in the media, in civil society and in academic research. The graduate has the ability to think critically and analytically, taking into account social, scientific and ethical aspects in his/her studies and research. The interdisciplinary nature of the programme enables graduates to work in fields related to politics, international relations, European studies, media and public policy. The different study paths (study trajectories) within the degree programme allow students to deepen their knowledge in areas related in particular to: (a) policy analysis, which consists in applying specific quantitative and qualitative research methods (statistics, advanced qualitative methodology) to actual social situations, in evaluating the results and proposing alternative ways of solving problems; b) European and international policies, which focus on the cycle of specific policy-making, from setting, legislation, application, evaluation to re-evaluation and possible readjustment based on new scientific knowledge, models and analyses. Graduates are proficient in professional terminology in Slovak as well as in English, at least at B2 level and above, thanks to the teaching of core subjects in English. By completing complementary methodology courses, which include theoretical parts as well as practical applications to specific policies or situations, graduates are able to work independently with academic texts and different types of empirical data and to prepare academic texts and policy-oriented analytical reports and papers. In doing so, they adhere to standards of academic ethics. Given the different types of assignments (presentations, project preparation, term papers, critical essays, etc.), the programme also allows students to gain practice in soft skills, i.e. how to formulate arguments and justifications for their arguments and how to critically and contextually evaluate processes and events in domestic and European political developments. The structure of the curriculum and the range of seminars, exercises and practical assignments, together with the compulsory internship, strengthen the autonomy of graduates to be able to propose concrete and professionally justified solutions and alternatives when dealing with problems and projects, including the basis for the development of legislation and sectoral policies, and for the development of opinions and explanatory reports in national, European and international contexts.
The graduate is able to work individually and collaboratively in a team, has the ability to think critically and creatively, to reflect on his/her own positions with respect for value pluralism, while maintaining the basic principles of dialogue within a democratic community. The objectives of the study programme are in line with the long-term development strategy of the Charles University in Bratislava and the objectives of the Long-term Plan of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Charles University in Bratislava. The application of the English language in the teaching process, as well as the presence of foreign lecturers and researchers working in the programme, contributes to the internationalisation of studies, increases the competitiveness of graduates of the study programme, improves their communication skills and enables them to continue their doctoral studies at domestic and foreign research institutes, as well as to successfully apply on the labour market in their field of study as well as in related professions.
Graduates' employability:
Legislators, senior civil servants and top executives of companies and organisations
President and Member of Parliament
President and member of the government
Secretary-General of the Civil Service
Secretary of State
Government Plenipotentiary
Director of a government department (departmental level)
Ambassador, Consul General
Head of office, secretariat of central government body
Senior official of a public institution
Executive officer of a non-profit organisation, foundation and non-investment fund
Leaders of political, trade union, interest and related organisations
Chief executive of a public administration in the field of international relations
Senior officials in the field of parliamentary and governmental affairs
Executive officer (manager) in the field of EU funds
Other teaching and professional staff in education and training
Soft skills teacher
Strategy specialist in relation to European Union policies
International relations specialist
Systems analyst not elsewhere classified
Human rights specialist
Political Scientist
Publicist, Correspondent, Reporter, Commentator