Lenka Sokolová
doc. Mgr. Lenka Sokolová, PhD.
Areas of interest: Educational and school psychology, psychology learning and teaching
2001 Faculty of Education, CU: teaching of psychology and English (MA)
2003 Faculty of Arts, CU: School psychology (specialization study)
2006 Faculty of Education, CU: Educational psychology (PhD.)
2019 Faculty of Education, JČU (Czech Republic): Educational psychology (doc.)
International stays & internships (selection):
2003 University of Guelph, Canada: Rudolf Dreikurs Summer School and Institute ICASSI
2004 University of Cork, Ireland: Rudolf Dreikurs Summer School and Institute ICASSI
2005 Frederick Institute of Technology, Cyprus: Group Dynamics and Social Skills in the Classroom
2009 ISPA, Malta: Crisis Management in Schools - Training Course for School Psychologists
2018 University of Southern Bohemia, Czech Republic: Erasmus
2022 Wageningen, The Netherlands: Rudolf Dreikurs Summer School and Institute ICASSI
2023 University of Groningen, The Netherlands: Erasmus
2023 Dublin City University, Ireland: Rudolf Dreikurs Summer School and Institute ICASSI
2023 Charles University, Czech Republic: Erasmus
Work experience:
2000 – 2007 elementary school teacher and school psychologist
2007 – 2012 lecturer and coordinator of community educational projects (education of adults)
2011 – 2015 upper-secondary psychology teacher
2008 – 2021 assistant professor/associate professor (Faculty of Education, CU in Bratislava)
since 2015 lecturer of continuing professional development courses for teachers and helping professionals
since 2021 associate professor/professor (Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, CU in Bratislava)
Educational and school psychology, Interventions in school psychology, Preventive programmes
Research and educational projects (selection):
APVV-22-0078 Mental health in adolescents in the context of current societal challenges (2023-27)
035UK-4/2022 Psychological education for non-psychological professions (2022-24)
APVV-18-0070 Generation Z – new challenges of adolescence (2022-23)
VEGA 1/0119/21 Learning and attention disorders in higher education students: Prevalence, symptoms, coping and learning strategies (2021-24)
Fond SK-NIC Teacher´s Academy: Video-based E-learning for Teacher Training (www.ucitelskaakademia.sk) (2020-21)
VEGA 1/0409/14 Personality and professional vision of teachers in relation to dealing with challenging situations in the school classroom during the transition to practice (2017-19)
KEGA 060UK-4/2017 Supporting narrative competence in the Slovak language among children from marginalised language backgrounds (2017-19)
VEGA 1/0562/13 Social-psychological competencies in pre-service training and early teaching career (2013-15)
KEGA 021UK-4/2013 Teaching of psychology and personal and social development courses (2013-15)
VEGA 1/0253/09 Cognitive versus social dispositions of success in people with disabilities (2009-12)
Membership in academic and professional organizations:
European Federation of Psychology Teachers’ Associations (board member, 2019-22 President of EFPTA)
EFPA Board of Educational Affairs (board member)
European Society for Psychology Learning and Teaching (ESPLAT)
North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP)
Slovak School Psychology Association
Scientific Board of Educational Psychology study programme – doctoral studies Faculty of Education, JČU in České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Selected publications:
· Antalová, A., & Sokolová, L. (2022). Porucha pozornosti u vysokoškolských študentov: prehľadová štúdia. Československá psychologie, 66(2), 111-129. https://doi.org/10.51561/cspsych.66.2.111
· Brisson, R., Furstová, J., Sokolová, L., Erikson, Ch., Boniel-Nissim, M., & Baďura, P. (2024). Trends in the link between perceived social support and life satisfaction in adolescents (2013/14-2021/22): A cross-national study. International Journal of Public Health, Special Issue: Trends in Adolescent Health And Wellbeing - 40 Years of the HBSC Study, 69, Art. No. 1607283, 1661-8564. https://doi.org/10.3389/ijph.2024.1607283
· Černickaja, K., & Sokolová, L. (2024). Dyslexia in higher education – teacher’s perspective: scoping review. Frontiers in Education, 9, Art. No. 1372699. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2024.1372699
· Dutke, S., Bakker, H., Sokolová, L., Stuchlikova, I., Salvatore, S., & Papageorgi, I. (2019). Psychology curricula for non-psychologists? A framework recommended by the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations' Board of Educational Affairs. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 18(2), 111-120. https://doi.org/10.1177/1475725719838889
· Horaničová, S., Husárová, D., Madarasová Gecková, A., Lacková Rebičová, M., Sokolová, L., De Winter, A. F., & A Reijneweld, S. A. (2024). Adolescents´ academic performance: What helps them and what hinders them from achievement and success? Frontiers in Psychology, 15, Art. No. 1350105. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1350105
· Lisá, E., Sokolová, L., Jablonická, P., & Kardelisová, L. (2023). Motivation to succeed is not enough: motivated students need to know how to plan/organize their steps ontheir way to success. Frontiers in psychology, 14(13), s. [1-12]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1119409
· Masaryk, R., & Sokolová, L. (2012). Making a difference by doing applied qualitative research in education: three case studies. Human Affairs, 22(4), 492-509. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13374-012-0040-1
· Masaryk, R., Sokolová, L., & Túnyiová, M. (2018). Academic self-concept and the use of tablet technologies in Czech and Slovak schools. Studia Psychologica, 60(3), 167-182. https://doi.org/10.21909/sp.2018.03.760
· Nolan, S., Cranney, J., Jia, F., Sokolová, L., Selvam, S. G., Dunn, D. S., Mena, J. A., Richmond, A. S., Machin, M. A., & Yahiiaiev, I. (2024). Going Global: Intersections of American Psychological Association’s Guidelines 3.0 with International Foundational Competence Frameworks. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, Special Issue: APA Guidelines 3.0. (in press) https://doi.org/10.1037/st10000409
· Papageorgi, I., Falzon, N., Sokolová, L., Stuchlikova, I., Salvatore, S., Williamson, M., Foster, J., Pavlin-Bernardic, N., Beara, M., Bakker, H., & Dutke, S. (2024). Skills and competencies gained from a psychology bachelor s degree: European graduates perspectives. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 23(1), 43-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/14757257231187532
· Sokolová, L., Brozmanová, E., Harvanová, S., Zacharová, Z., Lemešová, M., & Minarovičová, K. (2019). Empatia učiteľov a učiteliek: prierezová štúdia. Československá psychologie, 63(1), 13-25.
· Sokolová, L., Papageorgi, I., Dutke, S., Stuchlikova, I., Williamson, M., & Bakker, H. (2022). Distance teaching of psychology in Europe: Challenges, lessons learned, and practice examples during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 21(1), 73-88. https://doi.org/10.1177/14757257211048423
· Sokolová, L., Lemešová, M., Hlaváč, P., & Harvanová, S. (2022). Through teachers’ eyes: An eye-tracking study of classroom interactions. Sodobna Pedagogika/Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies, 73(4), 127-145.
· Sokolová, L., & Šuplatová, A. (2018). Anxiety in the foreign-language classroom. Pedagogika, 132(4), 166-177. https://doi.org/10.15823/p.2018.132.10
· Sokolová, L. (2023). Motivation toward choosing psychology as a secondary school subject: A cross-cultural comparison. Teaching of psychology, 50(1), 41-46. https://doi.org/10.1177/00986283211029938
· Sokolová, L. (2024). Mental health literacy and seeking for professional help among secondary school students in Slovakia: a brief report. Frontiers in public health, 12(30), art. no. 1333216. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2024.1333216