Faculty of Social
and Economic Sciences
Comenius University Bratislava

Institute of Applied Psychology

Institute of Applied Psychology was founded as the part of a new Faculty at Comenius University in Bratislava - the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences. The Institute provides study programs in Social and Work Psychology (bachelor and master studies) and in Health Psychology ( doctoral studies). Programs are offered in Slovak and English language. Information about studying in English can be found here.

Students are educated and prepared for their professional careers in all areas of psychology, including social, organizational and work psychology, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, psychodiagnostics, and psychotherapy. Students also have a chance to enroll in courses teaching economy, political sciences, international relations, European and territorial studies, public policy and anthropology. Quality of education is guaranteed by the team of our highly respected educators who have years of clinical and research experience and who are highly regarded professionals in their respective areas of expertise.

Institute of Applied Psychology also focuses on research in social and work psychology, recently in areas of career counseling, career paths of gifted youth, attitudes and attitude change, and community psychology. Research activities are focused on the current psychological problems and trends.

Who are our educators?

Professor Júlia Kánovská Halamová is an expert in emotion research, studying self-compassion and self-criticism. She also provides counseling and psychotherapy.
Professor Andrea Madarasová Gecková is engaged in health psychology research. She is leading the research team mapping new developmental challenges of Generation Z, and another one focusing on mental health challenges associated with providing health care.
Professor Elena Lisás research interests are personality psychology, assessment in human resources, and organizational psychology.
Professor Radomír Masaryk is a social psychology and health psychology researcher.
Associate Professor Lenka Sokolová is a researcher and lecturer of educational and school psychology. Her research interests are innovative approaches to the teaching of psychology, learning and teaching strategies and classroom managment.
Assistant Professor Martina Baránková studies psychology of emotions, specifically non-verbal and facial expressions.
Assistant Professor Katarína Greškovičová is a social psychology researcher, interested among others in studying family relationships and attachment.
Assistant Professor Katarína Křížová studies child anxiety, specifically the effects of family environment and family relationships on development of child anxiety.
Assistant Professor Václav Linkov is interested in traffic psychology, cultural psychology, East Asian indigenous psychologies, and connections between psychology and mathematics and computer science.
Assistant Professor Bronislava Šoková’s main research area is psychology of emotion, specifically eye-tracking and facial expressions.
Lecturer Rastislav Janičík is a social psychology researcher, he is interested in statistic.
Lecturer Ivana Popovičová is interested in work and organizational psychology. 
Lecturer Veronika Sklenárová is interested in organizational and work psychology, psychodiagnostics in HR, performance management and career planning, personality and relationships in the workplace, as well as sport psychology.
Dominika Kunová
Jana Talianová