Faculty of Social
and Economic Sciences
Comenius University Bratislava

Institute of Social Anthropology

Institute of Social Anthropology (abb. ISA) is the only institute of this professional orientation in the Slovak Republic. The institute was found along with foundation of Faculty of social and Economic Sciences CU upon the Rector’s decision of 5th June 2002. The institute started its activity in academic year 2002/2003, as the Institute of Cultural Studies. In that and the following academic years it provided mainly lecturing of whole-faculty and whole-university courses like Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy and Methodology of Social Sciences, Global Problems and Globalisation, etc.

 Since academic year 2005/2006, the Institute provides bachelor, master also doctoral study programme Social Anthropology.  Educational and research profile of the Institute is an interdisciplinary one. The Institute’s staff is participating on implementation of domestic and international projects and many of them are members of well-known domestic and foreign research and specialists’ committees and bodies.