Faculty of Social
and Economic Sciences
Comenius University Bratislava

Katarína Greškovičová

Mgr. Katarína Greškovičová, PhD.

Profile: Health Psychology, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology

Research interests: patient experience, childbirth experiences, compassion fatigue and satisfaction among health professionals, attachment in the workplace.


PhD: Pedagogic, counselling and school psychology (2016) – Faculty of Psychology, Pan-European University in Bratislava
Mgr: Psychology (2004) – Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava


Selected previous practical experience:

2017-2020: Vice Dean for Research, Doctoral Studies, and International Relations, Faculty of Psychology, Pan-European University

2017-2020: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology, Pan-European University

2018: Collaboration with NÚCEM regarding the review of tasks related to creative thinking and creative problem-solving, which are being prepared as part of international assessments of 15-year-old students in the PISA 2021 study

2014-2016: Statutory Representative and Director of the Civic Association Rodinné centrum Klbko

2009-2016: Volunteer for the Civic Association Rodinné centrum Klbko


Training and courses:

2016- Familienbrett workshop

2014 – 2016- Systemic psychotherapy training for couple and family counselling- the Institute of Systemic Experience, Košice, finished without final exam

2014- Attachment and psychological trauma in human life II.

2014- Academy of practical parenting, Academy of practical parenting for disabled children


Ongoing pedagogic courses:

Social-psychological training I., Psychology of creativity, Prenatal and perinatal psychology, Quantitative methods, Statistics


Scientific projects:

Principal Investigator- VEGA 1/0719/24 Exploring women´s subjective perspective and experiences of childbirth and related care

Co-investigator: VEGA 1/0054/24 Compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction in various helping professions: development and measurement of intervention effectiveness, and creation of diagnostic parameters through physiological indicators, self-report tools, and qualitative data

Co-investigator- APVV project: „Public trust, resilience and perceived threat of COVID-19“ (PP-COVID-20-0074)

Co-investigator - VEGA n. 1/0641/19 “Discerning Trustworthy News in High School Students: The Relationship of Conspiracy Beliefs, Scientific Literacy, and Authoritarianism”


International projects:

2015- ongoing- National coordinator in the project “Babies Born Better".

2018- committee member in COST Action BIRTH 1405 „Building Intrapartum Research Through Health – an interdisciplinary whole system approach to understanding and contextualising physiological labour and birth (BIRTH)“. 


Selection of publications:



Greškovičová, K. & Lisá, E. (2023). Beyond the global attachment model: domain- and relationship-specific attachment models at work and their functions. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1158992. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1158992 

Halamová, J., Kanovský, M., Strnádelová, B., Baránková, M., & Greškovičová, K. (2023). The development of the revised COPE 68 inventory with English and Slovak versions. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1202571. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1202571   

Greškovičová, K., Masaryk, R., Synak, N., & Čavojová, V. (2022). Superlatives, clickbaits, appeals to authority, poor grammar, or boldface: Is editorial style related to the credibility of online health messages? Frontiers in Psychology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.940903