Social and work psychology
General information about study program
study program: Social and work psychology
field of study: Psychology
form of study: internal
standard length of study: 3 years
language: Slovak
Application requirements
Candidates for admission to the 1st degree study programme must have completed secondary education and demonstrate the prerequisites for successful completion of studies at FSEV UK (language prerequisites - English language level B2 or B1, study prerequisites).
A prerequisite for study is the ability to read with understanding and process domestic and foreign literature in the field and related fields, to express knowledge and ideas in writing and orally, to use printed and electronic resources and information technology (the Internet, databases, information programmes, software for statistical calculations). Applicants must also have a personal aptitude for study, empathy, an interest in working with people and in developing themselves. The study requires the ability to work individually and independently with professional and scientific resources, to prepare for seminars and exercises, to work on assigned topics in the subjects studied. Candidates are required to take an active approach to their studies.
Applicants will not be discriminated against on the basis of age, gender, political or religious beliefs.
The faculty will provide assistance in the administration and obtaining the status of a student with specific needs, through the contact person at the Study Department and the coordinator for work with students with specific needs at Comenius University in Bratislava.
The faculty will provide assistance in the use of tools necessary for the study of students with specific needs (instrumentation, readers, translation of study materials into Braille, etc.).
Graduate's profile
A graduate of the Social and Work Psychology program within the field of psychology has knowledge of the general orientation in the field, which focuses on the history, current events in the field, and an overview of psychological specializations. The core of knowledge focuses on the basic knowledge of theoretical and applied psychological disciplines that are primarily directed toward the understanding of the individual and the psychological aspects of his or her behavior and survival within groups and group dynamics (general psychology, developmental psychology, history of psychology, neuropsychology and neurophysiology, social psychology, personality psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychological training, organizational and occupational psychology, educational and school psychology, counseling psychology, methodology and methods in psychology, quantitative methods, qualitative methods, health psychology, marketing communication psychology, statistics, clinical psychology, internship, minority group psychology, school psychology interventions, evolutionary psychology, thesis seminar, social cognition). Additionally, she has knowledge of psychological diagnosis, including psychometrics and methodology. In addition to the above, the graduate has basic knowledge of other selected areas of the humanities, social and behavioural sciences and knowledge of ethical principles in the conduct of psychological and research activities, as well as the competence to apply these principles.
The graduate possesses skills in the use of psychological methods, in particular conducting interviews, focus groups and observation, and has mastered the basic principles of diagnosis and assessment in the core specialisations (clinical psychology, educational psychology, school psychology, counselling psychology, occupational and organisational psychology). The graduate is able to design and implement a simple research plan (including an experiment), which includes in particular skills in data collection and their subsequent quantitative or qualitative analysis and interpretation. The graduate is also able to navigate current professional sources and search relevant literature in the field, interpret study results, write professional texts and present the tasks, objectives and results to the work team.
The graduate is characterised by independence in solving specific problems in a changing environment, planning his/her own education, autonomy and responsibility in decision-making in relation to the problems of the field of study, the ability to present his/her own opinions appropriately and professionally, and creative and flexible thinking. In the Bachelor's thesis, she applies the acquired competence to carry out research using quantitative and qualitative procedures. As part of his studies, he has included work experience in the field, which will enable him to acquire the necessary employability skills and to realise his expectations in practice.
The graduate is characterised by independence in solving theoretical and practical problems in a broader context. He/she is able to make effective use of the argumentative strategies of individual thinkers in the professional presentation of his/her own position, and to evaluate arguments independently and critically. Expresses his/her position in a sophisticated manner in linguistic (oral and written) professional discourse. Can take positions on individual and societal issues and make decisions in the context of knowledge of value perspectives. Makes ethical and responsible decisions about the moral, social, legal and economic contexts of the discipline.
The profile of the graduate/graduate and the composition of the curriculum is in line with the recommendations of EuroPsy - the European Certificate in Psychology (EFPA, 2019), which supports the implementation of new subjects in the teaching in order to achieve equivalence and recognition of education in the European area according to the UK Long Term Development Plan ( The graduate profile further corresponds to the Long Term Development Plan of the CU, specifically in the area focused on the study of psychological processes, behaviour and the human mind; the impact of digital technologies on the educational, rehabilitation, therapeutic process; the issue of minority groups and communities with different linguistic-cultural traditions as research objectives of the CU in the Long Term Development Plan.
graduates' employability:
Career guide, consultant
Supervisor of administrative staff
Human resources specialist (generalist, HR business partner)
Compensation and Benefits Specialist
Training and Human Resources Development Specialist
Text proofreader
Training and Staff Development Manager
Customer Service Supervisor
Recruitment and Selection Specialist (HR Consultant, HR Specialist, Recruiter)
HR Administration and Employee Relations Specialist
Human Resources Planning and Control Specialist
Youth work methodologist
Lecturer in further education
Lecturer in youth work
Marketing analysis and market research specialist
Product specialist