Danijela Jerotijevič
Mgr. Danijela Jerotijevič, PhD.

October 2022 – present: Director of the Institute of Social Anthropology Faculty of Social and Economic Science, Comenius University, Bratislava
September 2010 – present: research fellow, Institute of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava
September 2011 – 2014: research fellow, Project LEVYNA – Laboratory for the Experimental Study of Religion, Department of Religious Studies, Masaryk University, Brno
PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS: anthropology of religion, medical anthropology, cognitive and evolutionary anthropology
Membership in professional organizations:
- International Association for the Cognitive and Evolutionary Science of Religion
- Slovak association of Social Anthropology
- International Association for Southeast European Anthropology
2021 - 2022: team member, project "Crisis - a threat and a challenge: strategies for coping with pandemic situations in families and schools"
2020 - 2021: team member, project APVV: PP-COVID-20-0074 "Public Trust, Resilience and Perceived Threat COVID-19
2019 - 2022: co-investigator, VEGA grant Collective rituals as an instrument of social regulation”
2018 - 2020: member of the Eastern Europe team of the international project Geography of Philosophy (University of Pittsburg)
2018: teacher mobility within the ERASMUS program, visited institution Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
2017: member of the Top Research Team at the Faculty of Social Contexts in Local Communities
2017 - 2019: team member, VEGA grant “Symbolic hazard classifications”
2015 - 2019: a team member – APVV grant, project “Anthropology of Exclusion and Integration: Slovakia in Context of European Transformation”.
2013 - 2016: a team member – fellowship of the Scientific grant agency of Slovak ministry of education, project “Cultural capital and academic success”.
2013 - a main applicant – fellowship of the Tatra bank foundation for education, project “To know more”
Academic writing (2022); Social Science Methods (2018-2021); Introduction to Anthropology (2010-2017); Cognitive Anthropology (2010-present), Anthropology of Religion (2010-2022), Evolutionary Anthropology (2011), Psychological Anthropology (2012-2022), Theories and Methods of the Field Research (2010-present), Anthropological Theories (2013)
- Jerotijević, D., Kráľová, S. & Kulichová, N. (2022). An alternative medical treatment: Reasons for its selection and ways of evaluating its efficacy. Sociológia, 54/2, 121-143.
- Jerotijević, D. (2021). Adaptačné stratégie bývalých zamestnancov a zamestnankýň tovární v centrálnom Srbsku (Adaptive strategies of former factory employees in central Serbia). In: Buzalka, J. Antropológia vylúčenia a integrácie: Slovensko v kontexte európskych transformácií. 1. vyd. ISBN 978-80-223-5063-1. - Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2021, 137-195.
- Jerotijević, D. & Hagovská, M. (2020). Making the connections: Interpretation of life events among women practitioners of alternative spirituality in Slovakia. Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe 13/ 1, 43-60 [online].
- Jerotijević, D. & Hagovská, M. (2019). The Role of Group Experience in Alternative Spiritual Gatherings. Human Affairs 29, 48 – 62.
- Lang, M., Krátky, J., Shaver, J., Jerotijević, D. & Xygalatas, D. (2019). Is ritual behavior a response to anxiety? In: SLONE, D. J. – McCORCLE Jr. W. W. (eds.). The Cognitive Science of Religion: A Methodological Introduction to Key Empirical Studies. 1st ed. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Scientific Studies of Religion: Inquiry and Explanation, p. 181-191. ISBN 978-1-350-03368-9.
- Jerotijević, D. (2017). Trust and Credibility of Folk - Healers and other magical figures in contemporary Serbia. In: Cotofana, A., Nyce, J. M. (eds.) Religion and Magic in Socialist and Post-Socialist Contexts II: Baltic, Eastern European, and Post-USSR Case Studies (Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society), 161 – 188.
- Krátky, J., Lang, M., Shaver, J., Jerotijević, D. & Xygalatas, D. (2016): Anxiety and ritualization: Can attention discriminate compulsion from routine? Communicative and Integrative Biology, 1942-0889.
- Lang, M., Krátky, J., Shaver, J., Jerotijević, D. & Xygalatas, D. (2015): Effects of anxiety on spontaneous ritualized behavior. Current Biology 25/4.
- Jerotijević, D. (2015): Coexistence of different explanatory models of misfortune: A case from Serbia. Huma Affairs 25/3, 261-275.
- Jerotijević, D. (2011). Magické myslenie a kontaminácia (Magical thinking and contamination). In: Kanovský, M., Jerotijević, D. Bužeková, T.: Kognitívne vysvetlenie magických predstáv a praktík. Bratislava: Ústav etnológie Slovenskej akadémie vied. ISBN 978-80-969259-4-0.