Study plans
study plans for academic year 2024/2025
Bachelor study programs
Master study programs
study plans for academic year 2023/2024
Bachelor study programs
Master study programs
study plans for academic year 2022/2023
Bachelor study programs
AE1 - applied economy (in Slovak)
PP1 - social and occupational psychology (in Slovak)
PP1/en - social and occupational psychology provided in English
Master study programs
mgAE - applied economy (in Slovak)
mESen - european studies in English
study plans for academic year 2021/2022
Bachelor study programs
AE1 - applied economy (in Slovak)
ME1 - mediamatics (in Slovak)
ES1 - european studies
PP1 - social and occupational psychology (in Slovak)
PP1/en - social and occupational psychology provided in English
SA1 - social anthropology
Master study programs
mgAE - applied economy (in Slovak)
mES1 - european studies
mESen - european studies in English
mPP1 - social and occupational psychology (in Slovak)
mSA1 - social anthropology
mVP1 - public policy
Study plan for 2020/2021
bachelor study programs:
applied economics - AE1
european studies - ES1
mediamatics - ME1
new! social and occupational psychology - PP1
new! social and occupational psychology - EN - PP1en
social anthropology - SA1
master study programs:
applied economics - mgAE
european studies - mES1
european studies - EN - mESen
new! social and work psychology - mPP1
social anthropology - mSA1
public policy - mVP1