Social anthropology
General information about study program
study program: Social anthropology
field of study: Sociology and social anthropology
form of study: internal/external
standard length of study: 3 years/4 years
study language: Slovak and English
Application requirements
Obligatory requirements:
Graduate of the 2nd degree of university study
Knowledge of English at B2 level
Knowledge of social science equivalent to the completion of the second degree.
Critical evaluation of information - processing of fundamental theories and empirical studies, presented in the submitted PhD project and during the presentation in the admission procedure
Scientific integrity - without signs of plagiarism in the submitted PhD project or previous studies and scientific research practice.
Experience with writing a scientific text
Mastering the methodological concepts of quantitative or qualitative data analysis
Ability to critically read texts and scientifically refer to references
Scientific communication and presentation skills
Independent creative work
Analytical thinking
Ability to learn from feedback
Optional requirements:
Experience in managing research projects
Experience with teamwork
Participation in international research projects
Graduate's profile
Social anthropology encompasses the knowledge on human society, communities and cultures in their various shapes, on their functionning, evolution and interactions, obtained by means of long-term ethnographic fieldwork.
The learning objective for students of the third degree is to acquire fundamental and detailed knowledge in the field of social anthropology on excellent scientific level, to know and comprehend anthropological theories, ethnographic field methods and procedures of qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and to apply this acquired knowledge in scientific and research field, and in practical settings as well.
As far as skills are concerned, the learning outcome for students of the third degree is to acquire recent skills on gathering and analyze quantitative and qualitative data and information and to use them in explaining social phenomena. Alumni of the third degree should be able to design and conduct the long-term ethnographic fieldwork, to gather and lead research teams in a particular community, to select and perform appropriate qualitative and quantitative analyses of gathered data, and to prepare the final report and/or scientific paper. Alumni of the third degree should be able to submit, participate on, and lead domestic and international research projects.
The learning outcome in competencies for students of the third degree is to solve research and practical problems on their own and independently, to coordinate team research, and to take responsibility in the ever changing environment of social relations. The main learning outcome of the third degree is the knowledge, ability and competence to work in basic research field of sociology and social anthropology, and/or in fields of applied research (social policy, development of human resources etc.), in state and public policy bodies, in marketing, NGO sector, mass media.
Graduate's employability:
Specialist in social sciences
Sociologists, anthropologists, geographers and the like
Specialists in management and administration
Analysts in management and administration of work
Specialist of process optimalisation
Specialist in management of quality systems
Project specialist (project manager)
Specialists in the area of strategy and development
Specialist for regional development and countryside development
Specialist in the area of socio-economic development
Specialists in the area of education and human resources development
Specialist in the area of education and human resources development
Field social and health workers
Community worker