Faculty of Social
and Economic Sciences
Comenius University Bratislava

Elena Lisá

doc. Mgr. Elena Lisá, PhD.- professor


personality psychology, psychological assessment of adults, psychology in human resources, work and organizational psychology


2010 Appointed Associate Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University 

2006 PhD. in Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Trnava

2001 Master’s in Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Trnava


2022 – 2025 Slovak association of Individual psychology: Training in Adler's consulting

2022 SKRN: Basics for worjing in R for beginners

2022 The Catholic University of "Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila", the Centre of Studies, Innovation and Teacher Training in Education: Online e-learning seminar for university professors

2015 Business Coaching College: Group and Team business coaching

2015 IMD Business School (Lausanne, Switzerland): Lead Forward program, global leadership and executive development program

2015 School of Memory (Prague, Czech Republic): Basic school of memory

2014-2015 Business Coaching College: Meaning and mechanics of coaching in business

2014 Assessment Systems: Behavioral event interview

2013 Coachingplus: Working with emotions in counselling, coaching and therapeutic process

2013 Coachingplus: Motivational interviewing – language of change

2013 Drive Workshop: Drive – Recognition of Completion

2013 TSASV, SKP: A course on renewing the knowledge and practical skills of health professionals in the urgent support of life functions

2012-2014 Coachingplus: Integrative work with motivation and change in complex systems, families and couples

2012 Euroguidance the Netherlands: CH-Q Management of competences

2012 Coachingplus: Conflict management

2012 Coachingplus: Group dynamics

2011 Euroguidance Hungary (Budapest): Innovative tools and methods in career guidance and counselling

2010 LWL (Vienna, Austria): FreD - Early intervention for Young Drug Users

2009 Testcentrum-Hogrefe (Praha, Česká republika): Workshop for authorized GPOP trainers

2008 Dale Carnegie® Training: High Impact Presentation

2008 Dale Carnegie® Training: Core Competency Training

2001 Psychiatric hospital Kroměříž: Training in hypnosis and hypnotherapy techniques

Work experience

9/2020 – present day Associate Professor of Psychology at the Institute of Applied Psychology, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynské luhy 4, 821 05 Bratislava, Slovakia 

11/2012 – 8/2020 Faculty of Psychology, Pan-European University, Tomášikova 20, 821 02 Bratislava: Associate Professor of Psychology; Vice-dean for research and science; Dean from 2017 to 2020

9/2006 – 9/2014 Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynské luhy 4, 821 05 Bratislava, Slovakia; Associate Professor of Psychology; Vice-dean for research and science

2014 – 2017 UPC BROADBAND Slovakia, Bratislava: HR manager

2002 – 2010 Research institute of child psychology and patopsychology, Bratislava: Psychologist, research scientist

2008 – 2010 Testcentrum-Hogrefe, Prague: external cooperation by Slovak standardization of assessment tests and questionnaires (GPOP, LMI, WISC IV); empirical analysis of Slovak standardization sample (VMT, d2, LJI)

04/2007 Armstrong, Competence Consulting, Bratislava: external cooperation in assessment of managerial skills in candidates

2004 – 2006 Primary school Svätý Jur: School Psychologist

2002 – 2004 University of Saint Cyril and Method, Philosophy Faculty, Department of Psychology, Trnava: external cooperation, lecturing

2001 - 2002 Regional pedagogical-psychological counseling - KPPP, Banská Bystrica: Psychologist

Research projects - selected

GA AA research projects (Grant Agency Academia Aurea, Czech Republic)

GA 2/2018: Psychodiagnostics in human resource management; Responsible researcher: doc., Mgr. Elena Lisá, Ph.D.

GA 8_2 / 2016: Requirements of current employers for career competencies of employees; Responsible researcher: doc., Mgr. Elena Lisá, Ph.D.

Research projects Vega, Kega

Kega 003PEVŠ-4/2018: Identification of psychological capital based on the analysis of employers' expectations for career competencies of graduates; Responsible researcher: doc., Mgr. Elena Lisá, Ph.D.

Vega 1/0547/12: Motivation for performance, theory, empirics, diagnostics (Responsible researcher: Prof. PhDr. Teodor Kollárik, DrSc.); Deputy responsible researcher

Vega 1/0497/10: Concept and functional model of career counseling for university students (Responsible researcher: Prof. PhDr. Teodor Kollárik, DrSc.); Deputy responsible researcher

Kega 3/7297/09: Internationalization of education and implementation of the study program in a foreign language, through the European accreditation EPAS (Responsible researcher: Prof. PhDr. Teodor Kollárik, DrSc.); Deputy responsible researcher

Vega 1/0828/09: Possibilities of changes in self-esteem and self-esteem in intact and handicapped children and adolescents (Responsible researcher: PhDr. Tomáš Kováč, CSc.); cooperated researcher

Vega 1/4528/07: Young gifted-High Potentials manager in the social and organizational system of the organization (Responsible researcher: Prof. PhDr. Teodor Kollárik, DrSc.); cooperated researcher

Vega 1/3684/06: Life satisfaction and self-esteem in intact and handicapped children and adolescents from the point of view of positive psychology and the possibility of psychological intervention (Responsible researcher: PhDr. Tomáš Kováč, CSc.); cooperated researcher

Vega 1/0230/03: Cognitive and social development of children with special educational needs (Responsible researcher: PhDr. Vladimír Dočkal, CSc.); cooperated researcher

Vega 1/0233/03: Quality of life - its personal and social resources in intact and handicapped children and adolescents (Responsible researcher: PhDr. Tomáš Kováč, CSc.); cooperated researcher

Vega 1/0235/03 Psychological and pedagogical aspects of cognitive development and social integration of Roma pupils (Responsible researcher: PhDr. Eva Farkašová, CSc.); cooperated researcher

Research projects of VÚDPaP (Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology, Bratislava)

P-84/2005 (research task of VÚDPaP): Creation of the Slovak version of the WISC-III test; cooperated researcher

P-85/2005 (research role of VÚDPaP): International comparative research of child psychological development; cooperated researcher

P - 99/2006 (research role of VÚDPaP): Specifics of cognitive development of Roma children; cooperated researcher

P - 102/2006 (research role of VÚDPaP): Development and verification of a program for the development of social competencies and abilities of primary school pupils Mgr .; Responsible researcher: Elena Lisá, PhD.

P - 101/2006 (research role of VÚDPaP): Increasing the educational level of Roma pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds through curricula; cooperated researcher

P - 113/2009 (research role of VÚDPaP): Specifics of cognitive development of Roma children; cooperated researcher

P -116 / 2010 (research role of VÚDPaP): The structure of self-image and its formation in development and place in the quality of life of children and adolescents; cooperated researcher

Other projects

GUK / 49/2007 (Comenius University Youth Grant): Introduction to Community Psychology (principal investigator)

Faculty of Science, Charles University: Career counseling in the field of natural sciences in the Bratislava region (Questionnaire design; Generation of questions for individual areas; Revision of question formulations; Revision and control of question content; Scale construction; Study of documents, identification and definition of key project findings); External collaborator

Public Health Office of the Slovak Republic, Stop Smoking, civic association, WHO Office in Slovakia, National Coalition for Tobacco Control in the Slovak Republic: Training of smoking cessation counseling staff, elaboration of methodological instructions in manual for counseling, training of telephone line for smoking cessation; External collaborator

N - 77/2005 (non-research role of VÚDPaP): Roma children from the point of view of psychology (in the works of VÚDPaP); Responsible researcher: Elena Lisá, PhD.

N - 72/2005 (non-research role of VÚDPaP): Conference: Quality of education for children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds; cooperated researcher


Membership of professional organizations

  • 2022 - Scientific Board of Philosophy faculty at University of Saint Cyril and Method in Trnava
  • 2021 - The International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID)
  • 2013 - Scientific Board of faculty of Psychology at Pan-European University
  • 2017 - European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP)
  • 2018 - Association of Psychologists of Work and Organization of Slovakia (APPOS)
  • 2017 - editorial board of the journal Zdravotníctvo a sociálna práca
  • 2000 - Slovak Psychological Association (SPS)
  • 2013 - 2020 Scientific Board of Pan-European University
  • 2009 - 2020 Slovak Chamber of Psychologists (SKP)
  • 2014 - 2017 Slovak Psychological Association, member of the comitee
  • 2010 - 2018 Scientific Board of Philosophy faculty at University of saint Cyril and Method in Trnava
  • 2016 - 2019 Scientific Board of Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology, Bratislava
  • 2009 - 2015 Scientific Board of FSEV Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 2009 - 2015 Grant commission of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia

Current courses - teaching

Psychological assessment of adults
Psychology in Human resource management
General psychology I.
General psychology II.


Publications – selected



Lisá, E. (2021). Výcvik diagnostických zručností II.: Diagnostický rozhovor v práci. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave. Available at: https://www.knihomol.sk/ucebnice-slovniky/skoly/vysoke/vycvik-diagnostickych-zrucnosti-ii

Lisá, E. (2020). Dispositional traits as predictors of self-efficacy. In: Psychology Applications & Developments VI. (32-44), Lisabon : InScience Press.

Gajdošová, E., Lisá, E., Radnóti, E., Roľková, H., Szobiová, E. (2019). Psychológia a inkluzívna škola: vybrané psychologické poznatky. České Budějovice: Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií.

Kollárik, T., Lisá, E., Ritomský,A. (2013). Psychodiagnostika manažérov: učebnica pre vysoké školy. Žilina: Eurokódex.

Letovancová, E., Lisá, E., Hennelová,K. (2011). Dotazník motivácie k výkonu - LMI. Praha: Hogrefe - Testcentrum.

Lisá, E. (2010). Psychologické testovanie v práci. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo UK.

Lisá, E. (2014). Personnel assessment. Praha: Wolters Kluwer.

Lisá, E. (2019). Psychodiagnostika v řízení lidských zdrojů. Praha: Portál.

Lisá, E. (2019). Výcvik diagnostických zručností I.: repertoárová mriežka. Bratislava: MABAG.

Lisá, E. a kol. (2010). Hry k rozvoji sociálních kompetencí žáků 1. stupně ZŠ. Praha: Portál.

Lisá, E., Letovancová, E., Pavlíková, K. (2011). Dotazník typológie osobnosti – GPOP. Praha: Hogrefe – Testcentrum.

Lisá, E., Newman, D. (2020). Psychologické aspekty zamestnateľnosti vysokoškolských študentov a absolventov v kontexte očakávaní zamestnávateľov. Žilina: GEORG.

Lisá, E. (2018). Očakávania zamestnávateľov na kompetencie absolventov škôl. Bratislava: Paneurópska vysoká škola, Fakulta psychológie. https://www.paneurouni.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ocakavania_zamestnavatelov_na_kompetencie_abs.pdf

Wechsler, D., Dočkal, V., Kretová, E., Kundrátová, B., Sedlačková, B., Tesař, M. (2006). WISC-III SK - Wechslerova inteligenčná škála pre deti. Praha: Testcentrum - Hogrefe.

Articles - selected


Mrázková, K., & Lisá, E. (2022). Convergent validity of workplace attachment style questionnaire and leader as security provider scale in Slovak sample. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin, 80(293), 43-57. https://doi.org/10.26387/bpa.293.4

Lisá, E., Greškovičová, K. & Křížová, K. (2021). The perception of the leader as an attachment figure: can it mediate the relationship between work engagement and general/citizenship performance?. BMC Psychol, 9(1), 196. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-021-00700-9

Lisá, E.,& Dzúrik, M. (2021). Psychometric properties of the HEXACO-PI-R self-evaluation form in Slovak translation. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 23(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.24913/rjap.23.1.01

Available at: http://www.rjap.psihologietm.ro/Download/rjap231_1.pdf

Lisá, E. & Valachová, M. (2021). Dispositional mindfulness as a mediator between basic psychological needs and dark triad traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 181, 111057,


Available at:  https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1dF8sheKdmtKx

Hulín, M., Lisá, E. (2009). Some situational and personality determinants of coping among managers. Studia psychologica, 51(2-3), 215-229.

Lisá, E., Budajová, V. (2007). Burnout syndrome in social workers and their notions about prevention and intervention. Studia psychologica. 49(3), 233-249.

Lisá, E. (2004). Solution of social conflict situations in Roma and non-Roma children. Studia psychologica. 46(1), 83-88.

Lisá, E., Hennelová, K., Newman, D. (2019). Comparison between employers ́and students ́expectations in respect of employability sills of university graduates. International journal of work-integrated learning, 20(1), 71-82. https://www.ijwil.org/files/IJWIL_20_1_71_82.pdf.

Lisá, E. (2017). Analysis of personality traits among psychological types. Ad Alta: journal of interdisciplinary research, 7(2), 118-122.

Lisá, E. (2020). Achievement motivation, personality traits and their relation to general and career self-efficacy. In: Psychological Applications and Trends 2020. Lisabon: InScience Press, 2020, s. 179-183. doi 10.36315/2020inpact038.pdf